In 1994 Asperger’s Syndrome was officially recognized. In 2013, it was no longer an official diagnosis. Today, it all falls under the category of Austism Spectrum Disorder. In my mind I see it as a line, right in the middle is what we label as “Normal”; the far left being severe autism, and the far right being an unlabeled disorder I call highly social with no social skills. I am left of normal. As an introverted, left of normal, entrepreneur and business owner, I have encountered a ton of unique problems in my life that required out-of-the-box solutions. Let’s work together to create a better world, learn how to adapt, and thrive as we live life to the Left of Normal.
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Left of Normal Episode 118 - Why Autistics Suck at Most Jobs Part 1 of 2
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Friday Aug 25, 2023
This was going to be an episode on how those with autism manage the world of being an entrepreneur, running a business, and lead teams or groups... but setting the stage took a bit longer than expected, so entrepreneurship will come next week.
In this episode we take a gander at a variety of jobs that I had, and why they all sucked. Why I bombed interviews if I could even get an interview, and why I allowed myself to be walked all over when I was in my 20's.
Because jobs are rarely spectrum friendly, and interviews are by nature discriminatory against those on the spectrum, it's estimated that 80% of autistics are unemployed or underemployed.
Next week's episode will discuss how to beat the system, stick it to the man (by becoming the man), and work in a capacity that is in line with the neurodivergent mind.
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Left of Normal Episode 117 - What Causes Autism?
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Friday Aug 18, 2023
There are a ton of myths out there around autism (not dissimilar to most, well, everything in the world). The myths are about what causes the condition, how do you "cure" it, and more.
Why do they persist? Why do people continue to perpetuate them? And better yet, what's the truth?
This episode we talk about vaccines and autism, how to discover if you (or a child) are on the spectrum, as well as diagnoses and more.
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Left of Normal Episode 116 - A Child’sTake on Nature and Adventure
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Nature is a fantastic way to help neurodivergent minds navigate the world. For me, it's because nature is safe, predictable, and exciting.
Studies show that being immersed in nature is great for everyone - it's the Japanese concept of Shinrin Yoku - but especially for those with ASD and ADHD.
Today, we're talking about an upcoming adventure: climbing Granite Peak - Montana's highest point. Holden will be going along and hopefully he will conquer the mountain at just 10 years old.
By the time most listen to this we will have summited, or died trying... okay, maybe we won't die trying, but you get the point.
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Left of Normal Episode 115 - Parenting as a Left of Normal
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Friday Jul 21, 2023
A lot of people love to bemoan how hard parenting is. Yes, it can be difficult at times.
If you're on the Autism Spectrum, and you're a parent, do you feel there are certain challenges to overcome?
As a Left of Normal parent, I found some aspects were quite easy - especially the parts where I just played with a baby all day long. Other aspects are quite difficult - such as where processes and rules are completely ignored.
Today we look at some parenting woes, wins, and what to dos.
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Left of Normal Episode 114 - You’re So Annoying
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Those on the spectrum can be really annoying sometimes.
And we often know that we're annoying. The problem arises with the fact that we can't really control it - many of those annoying traits and quirks for those on the autism spectrum are largely outside of their control.
So what do you do when a Left of Normal is annoying you? Let's talk about that.
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Left of Normal Episode 113 - Boundaries on the Spectrum
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
A listener chimed in recently and asked about boundaries, especially with children on the spectrum. I pondered it a bit, and realized that for a long time my own boundaries were rubbish.
The problem was that trying to please too many people meant not caring for myself.
Of course, now that I have set those boundaries, I tend to come off as rude, standoffish, and arrogant.
Today we'll look at how Left of Normal folks set boundaries, how we see boundaries in the normies, and some ideas on how to encourage Left of Normal children to understand them, set, and respect them.
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Left of Normal Episode 112 - Why You are a Great Leader with Dave Nordel
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Today we have a guest on the podcast who really knows his stuff when it comes to leadership.
Dave Nordel spent 30 years in the Air Force. During that time he learned a ton of valuable lessons on leading others, investing in people, and helping everyone grow and do better. He has a passion for mental health and ensuring that people who need a little boost get the boost they're looking for.
Whether you believe you're a leader or not, the truth is that you have it in you to guide and inspire others. Follow Dave to learn more, buy his first book "Giving Back!" and his upcoming second book "When the Cows Lie Down" You can find Dave via the links below:
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Left of Normal Episode 111 - How to Control Your Impulses
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Lack of impulse control plagues a number of neurodivergent people. ADHD folks are especially prone to following the impulse to get that little dopamine hit.
Left of Normal people are prone to impulses as well. Often our impulses are less manic and crazy outbursts, and more stim activities.
Today, we're looking at impulsivity, impulse control, and how to help our impulsive children on the autism spectrum to rein themselves in as they feel the impulses but can control them.
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Left of Normal Episode 110 - Genie Love Talks about ADHD/ASD in the Workplace
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Today we have a guest on the show, Genie Love is a Neurodiversity coach. She helps businesses and individuals create a better, safer, and more productive workplace for everyone - those who are left, normies, and right. With a Master's degree in educational leadership, as well as degrees in physical therapy and teaching, she has plenty of experience with those on the spectrum and across a wide swath of ages.
She talks about how she works with people, what to look for, and how to make your workplace more accommodating to everyone regardless of where they fall on the autism spectrum, or if they have other neurodivergencies like ADHD.
To learn more about her, hit up her website: www.genielove.coach
You can also find her on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/genie-love-beyond-coaching/
Or send an email to genie@genielove.coach
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Left of Normal Episode 109 - Holden Talks about Friendships
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
We have a split podcast today. I host part of it, Holden hosts part of it.
We'll talk about friendships, some of the struggles to make friends, what happens when friends aren't around.
We don't get into too much of the psychology behind having friends, why everyone needs some, and the benefits of it all, that's certainly something worth pursuing in a later episode that talks about autism and friendships. Today, we'll just cover how a Left of Normal child, and a Left of Normal adult make friends, how we feel when friends are lost, and why they're important to us.